Kerry Oldfield 07958481189

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Are you ready for a change? The Forever opportunity has helped millions of people all over the world look better, feel better and live the life of their dreams. Discover Forever’s incentives and learn how you can build your own business and have the life you deserve. Benefit from flexible hours, global travel, cash bonuses, new friendships and recognition for your hard work, and enjoy the chance to network with world business leaders, plus so much more!

What are you using to protect the skin on your face everyday especially during this gorgeous hot weather? We all remember to apply the sunscreen to our faces when we are on holidays but what about during your normal everyday life... first thing in the morning for work, to go shopping, out for a jog, walking the dog, etc? The powerful botanicals in our #ProtectingDayLotion deliver moisture, protection and it also contains a mineral sunscreen with SPF 20 defending the face from harmful UV rays! To get your free 4 day trial either message me or comment below! #skincare #spf20 #mineralsunscreen #aloe #powerfulbotanicals #easilyaborbed #moisturise #protect #lookbetterfeelbetter #lookbetterfeelbetterwithkerry

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Kerry Oldfield - Look Better Feel Better - 27 Jul 2018

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Kerry Oldfield

Got any questions that need answering or just want to find out a bit more about what Forever Living can do for you, then don't hesitate to get in contact with me on:


We understand shaving can be harsh; #Aloe shave, saves your face the drama and leaves your skin feeling cool, revitalised and devilishly smooth. #SmoothGlide #Shave😉 Why not try out some of our products for a few days in the comfort of your own home and check this out for yourself? Message me to book your trial in👍

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Kerry Oldfield - Look Better Feel Better - 27 Jul 2018